Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Human Right To Water!

One in nine people lack the access to clean water. That is a staggering amount considering the amount of water the earth possesses.

On July 29, 2010 the United Nations affirms that Water is a Human Right and not a privilege for those who can afford it!

It seems that something as basic as the right to water would be seen as a right regardless of money or positionally but that is far from the case. Though it is great that the UN recognized this right and make it known that everyone is entitled to it, that doesn't mean that it made the problem go away. During the conference where this right was seen as mandatory, the Bolivia Ambassador Pablo Solon stated:

"The right to drinking water and sanitation are independent rights that should be recognized as such. It is not sufficient to urge States to comply with their human rights obligations relative to access to drinking water and sanitation. Instead, it is necessary to call on states to promote and protect the human right to drinking water and sanitation."

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